I hope you've had as much fun this week joining us at Imaginisce for our official Berrylicious Release Party as I had creating the projects I shared with you this week so far. But hey, I'm not done yet... today I have one last card to show and a video tutorial at the bottom of this post as well.
Isn't that 3-D Lemonade cup cute? I believe that it was last summer some time that I saw a 3-D cup on a card made by some talented designer out there in blogland... unfortunately, it's been so long now, I have no idea who to credit for inspiring me to create my own 3-D cup. I do remember that their cup had a drink umbrella in it as well as a straw...cute, cute).
Now it's the cup I'm having you take a gander at right now (above), because that's what this video tutorial is all about... creating the cup. By the way, I tried something new with this particular tutorial... I put the photos and written instruction together in a video. It took quite a while to put it together and in the end I do believe I would have been much happier with the finished result had I just used photos and written details regular-like. But after I spent all that time doing it... I was not motivated to do it all over again in a different format. At any rate, this is the last time you'll see a video using this style... next tutorial will be either step by step photos or a regular video. But okay, blah, blah blah... here's the video... and if you have questions... let me know!
There is still time to sign up for chance to win the COMPLETE Berrylicious collection over at the Imaginisce blog too... so hop on over there to get in on the party!
5 Scrappy Comments:
Absolutely adorable!! Great job on that video too my friend, you rocked it!!
So darn cute! Thanks for sharing :)
Beth, this card is outstanding!!!
Wow....love that 3-D lemonade glass. Fab. :)
This is the best lemonade card EVER! My first thought was "goodness, how did she put a glass on there ???" You know, putting real lemonade in a real glass on your card makes it very difficult to transport....
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