Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Imaginisce Animal Crackers Release Party Day Two!

It's day two of the Imaginisce Animal Crackers Release party! Visit the blog today and you could win the complete Animal Crackers collection and...

The new D-Stress Tool!

For our Day Two of the release party, the Imaginisce blog is featuring a big 'ol pile of scrapbook layouts by the 2011 Imaginisce Design Team... here's one you'll see over there.

The photos on this layout are back from winter 2007. My grandson Jack, now 3 1/2 did not take kindly to this layout... upon seeing it he exclaimed, "Hey Nanie, why you put that beard on me?" When I told him that I thought it was cute, he said, "Well, I don't like it" and stomped away.  Since when did he become a scrapbook layout critic anyhow? :-)

At any rate, whether Jack likes my layout or not, there's lots more inspiration over at the Imaginisce blog today.  I urge you to visit, but not just for the prizes, you'll have a chance to see that this collection isn't just for kiddie layouts...so hop on over there to check out all the inspiration and get in on the chance to win!
And don't forget to visit The Kraft Journal and Papercraft Star as well to win even more prizes!

7 Scrappy Comments:

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Absolutely adorable! Love the mustache too.

Kristina said...

OMG, so super cute...love love love it. The layout is perfect and look at those cute little baby lips!! ADORABLE.

Angi Barrs said...

Awwww so cute. Love that little mustache. :)

Audrey Pettit said...

LOL, well I love the layout! Tell Mr. Jack he looks handsome. :) I completely think that "beard" makes the page. Fabulous and fun, my friend.

Regan said...

Beth, this layout is so stinkin' cute! Love it!

Unknown said...

Awesome LO, these papers are fabulous!!

♥Jan♥ said...

ah ha - I needed a really good laugh tonight !! Both your little guys are so lovable - and still little enough for lots of hugs and kisses. And I loved your layout too !!

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