Over the past months since I bought my Cricut I have purchased a number of cartridges to go along with it. I believe that I am up to somewhere around 16. Which is more than some people have, but a lot less those people who realized what fun it would be to own a cricut long before I did! Never the less, for those of you who do own a Cricut you know that if I had purchased those cartridges at their regular price (let's just say around 70.00 each)... I would have spent $1120.00 (GASP!!!) Had I bought them on sale at Michael's for $39.99 (that's a typical sale price at Michael's) that would mean I would have spent $639.84. Certainly a significant savings, but still...that's a lot of money to spend on a "hobby"." The truth of the matter is, with the exception of the first couple of cartridges that I did purchase on sale at Michaels... I've bought the rest of them for significantly less, on Ebay! I have purchased all my cartridges for between 21 and 31 dollars, with an average price of around $25! I've actually spent less than $400.00 on the purchase of Cricut Cartridges. I buy by auction only... and most of them through the seller, Craft-e-Corner, they have free shipping and they are fast too! I love them! So...that's my money saving tip for the day! Stop paying retail or even sale price for your cartridges, Ebay auctions will save you money!
My POTD is of Cory (the father of my grandson Jack) and one of his best friends, Shane. They often commute to college together and in this particular photo, they just returned home from class.
Cory and Shane met through Caitlin (my daughter) and one of her lifelong friends, Kayce (Shane's girlfriend). Caitlin and Kayce are delighted that their boyfriends have developed a close relationship as well... makes it nice for both couples.
Take care and remember to create something new every day!
3 Scrappy Comments:
This is very cute, buuuut it's Kayce, not Kaci... =)
thanks for the buying tips I know I shop for the best bargain on my carts too..
Thanks for the tip on the carts and who to buy from. I know I use to buy at the regular price until someone told me I was nuts. LOL It took carts for them to figure that one out. HA HA HA
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