Sunday, January 20, 2013

Granddaughter and Just Dance Video

Holy Smokes Batman, it's been a LONG time since I posted on the blog... but I do have some news to share soon that will involve me posting a lot more projects in the very near future! In the meantime however, I just HAVE TO SHARE this video of my 15 month old (Princess) granddaughter Rozlin playing Just Dance (XBox 360) with her mommy and her aunt. 

It's 59 seconds of total cuteness, although you do need to stand by for about 30 seconds of the video until she gets warmed up... but then, I think the rest of the video speaks for itself... the girl is gonna be FAMOUS one day... remember you heard that first RIGHT HERE!!  lol.


  1. I adored this when I saw it on facebook! Love it Beth! You have to be enjoying every single minute of this~ Eat it up! It goes by so quickly!
